NOTE: This website is an archived copy of Al Bregman's personal website, created with the permission of Abigail Sibley and Christopher Lyons. Copyright (c) 2008 Al Bregman.

Career - Honours and awards

Listed in

Who's Who in Science and in Canadian Who's Who.


Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science. Canadian Psychological Association


Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Jacques Rousseau prize for interdisciplinary contributions. Acfas. Formerly called Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science), currently called Association francophone pour le savoir (Francophone Association for Knowledge).


Killam Research Fellow (Canada Council) Salary replacement for two years to facilitate the writing of the book, Auditory Scene Analysis.


Fellow, American Psychological Association 1


Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association 1


Sheffield Scientific Fellowship, Yale University


Wilson University Fellowship, Yale University


University of Toronto Graduate Fellowship

1 no longer a member of this association

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