NOTE: This website is an archived copy of Al Bregman's personal website, created with the permission of Abigail Sibley and Christopher Lyons. Copyright (c) 2008 Al Bregman.

Laboratory Alumni Postdoctoral Fellows

(Name, dates in the lab, current occupation, if available, and date of last update of information.)

Carolyn Bey

2000-01, (co-supervised with Robert Zatorre) Maître de Conférences, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Université de Provence, Marseille, France. (2008)

Sheila Williams

1995-97, Retired from Psychology. Fencing coach. Family historian, South Yorkshire, England. (2008).

Todd Mondor

1992-94, Professor & Associate Head (Graduate Program), Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Co-supervised with Robert Zatorre. (2008)

Richard Parncutt

1992-93, Professor of Systematic Musicology, University of Graz, Austria. (2008)

Punita Singh

1991-93, Acoustic Consultant, Sound Sense; Book publisher, New Delhi, India. (2006)

Brian Roberts

1988-89, Professor of Auditory Perception, Psychology Department, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, England (2008)

Valter Ciocca

1988-90, Director, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2010)

Magda Chalikia

1988-89, Professor, Psychology Department., Minnesota State University at Moorhead, Minnesota, USA. (2008)

Marilyn French-St. George

1985-86, Artist working in glass, Lascelles, Quebec, Canada. (2007)

Blas Espinosa-Varas

1981-82, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Univ. of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. (2005)

Gary Dannenbring

1975-77, Computer specialist, Northern Trails Area Education Agency, Clear Lake, Iowa, Lecturer, School of Education, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. (2005)

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